Weather in Castejón de Sos

Weather for the week

Detailed forecast

Tue 18/03
Mostly clear
Feels like +3°
Wind arrow placeholder
4 km/h
Rain: 0 mm
Precip. chance: 2%
Pressure: 1019 hPa
UV Index: 0

The bar chart shows the precipitation sum from the previous 6-hour period.

Updated at 18/03 6:21 am 06:21

Current conditions

-1.2 °C30°

Feels like -4°30°

Partly cloudy

4 mph7 km/h2 Bft2 m/s

Observed at:
Observed at:
17/03 14:212:21 pm
Partly cloudy
Sun rise
05:055:05 am
Sun set
17:075:07 pm
Day length
12 h 1 min

Observation history

3 day forecast

10 day forecast

Weather today and tomorrow


Rain, morning cloudy. Morning temperature of 3 °C, afternoon 8°, evening 7° and night 7°. Morning temperature of 38 degrees, afternoon 47°, evening 45° and night 45°. Total rain today 7.65 mm. 0.3 in.

Detailed forecast


Rain, night fog. Morning temperature of 8 °C, afternoon 11°, evening 10° and night 9°. Morning temperature of 47 degrees, afternoon 52°, evening 51° and night 49°. Total rain tomorrow 20.02 mm. 0.79 in.

Detailed forecast

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